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群组 Group

2024-07-18 06:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



const child = graph.addNode({ x: 120, y: 80, width: 120, height: 60, zIndex: 10, label: 'Child\n(embedded)', attrs: { body: { fill: 'green', }, label: { fill: '#fff', }, }, }) const parent = graph.addNode({ x: 80, y: 40, width: 320, height: 240, zIndex: 1, label: 'Parent\n(try to move me)', }) parent.addChild(child)

需要注意的是,子节点的位置是相对画布左上角的位置,我们并没有提供相对父节点的相对定位方法。在上面例子中,我们通过绝对定位和 zIndex 使子节点看起来像位于父节点内部一样,当移动父节点时子节点也会跟着移动。实际上,即便子节点位于父节点外部,移动父节点时子节点也将跟着移动。


parent.addChild(source) parent.addChild(target) graph.addEdge({ source, target, vertices: [ { x: 120, y: 60 }, { x: 200, y: 100 }, ], }) 通过交互创建嵌套

有时候我们需要将一个节点拖动到另一个节点中,使其成为另一节点的子节点,这时我们可以通过 embedding 选项来开启,在节点被移动时通过 findParent 指定的方法返回父节点。

new Graph({ embedding: { enabled: true, findParent({ node }) { const bbox = node.getBBox() return this.getNodes().filter((node) => { // 只有 data.parent 为 true 的节点才是父节点 const data = node.getData() if (data && data.parent) { const targetBBox = node.getBBox() return bbox.isIntersectWithRect(targetBBox) } return false }) } } }) 限制子节点的移动

有时候需要将子节点的移动范围限制在父节点内,可以在创建 Graph 实例时通过 translating.restrict 选项来实现。

const graph = new Graph({ container: this.container, translating: { restrict(view) { const cell = view.cell if (cell.isNode()) { const parent = cell.getParent() if (parent) { return parent.getBBox() } } return null }, }, }) 自动扩展父节点

通过监听 node:change:position 事件,当节点移动时自动扩展/收缩父节点的大小,使父节点完全包围住子节点。

graph.on('node:change:size', ({ node, options }) => { if (options.skipParentHandler) { return } const children = node.getChildren() if (children && children.length) { node.prop('originSize', node.getSize()) } }) graph.on('node:change:position', ({ node, options }) => { if (options.skipParentHandler) { return } const children = node.getChildren() if (children && children.length) { node.prop('originPosition', node.getPosition()) } const parent = node.getParent() if (parent && parent.isNode()) { let originSize = parent.prop('originSize') if (originSize == null) { parent.prop('originSize', parent.getSize()) } originSize = parent.prop('originSize') let originPosition = parent.prop('originPosition') if (originPosition == null) { parent.prop('originPosition', parent.getPosition()) } originPosition = parent.prop('originPosition') let x = originPosition.x let y = originPosition.y let cornerX = originPosition.x + originSize.width let cornerY = originPosition.y + originSize.height let hasChange = false const children = parent.getChildren() if (children) { children.forEach((child) => { const bbox = child.getBBox() const corner = bbox.getCorner() if (bbox.x cornerY) { cornerY = corner.y hasChange = true } }) } if (hasChange) { parent.prop( { position: { x, y }, size: { width: cornerX - x, height: cornerY - y }, }, // Note that we also pass a flag so that we know we shouldn't // adjust the `originPosition` and `originSize` in our handlers. { skipParentHandler: true }, ) } } }) 展开/折叠父节点

首先,我们自定义了一个 Group 节点,该节点的左上角渲染了一个展开/折叠按钮,并在该按钮上设置了自定义事件 'node:collapse':

import { Node } from '@antv/x6' export class Group extends Node { private collapsed: boolean = false private expandSize: { width: number; height: number } protected postprocess() { this.toggleCollapse(false) } isCollapsed() { return this.collapsed } toggleCollapse(collapsed?: boolean) { const target = collapsed == null ? !this.collapsed : collapsed if (target) { this.attr('buttonSign', { d: 'M 1 5 9 5 M 5 1 5 9' }) this.expandSize = this.getSize() this.resize(100, 32) } else { this.attr('buttonSign', { d: 'M 2 5 8 5' }) if (this.expandSize) { this.resize(this.expandSize.width, this.expandSize.height) } } this.collapsed = target } } Group.config({ markup: [ { tagName: 'rect', selector: 'body', }, { tagName: 'text', selector: 'label', }, { tagName: 'g', selector: 'buttonGroup', children: [ { tagName: 'rect', selector: 'button', }, { tagName: 'path', selector: 'buttonSign', }, ], }, ], attrs: { body: { ... }, label: { ... }, buttonGroup: { ... }, button: { ... // 自定义事件 event: 'node:collapse', }, buttonSign: { ... }, }, })

然后,在 graph 上监听 node:collapse 事件,当父节点展开/折叠时显示/隐藏对应的子节点:

graph.on('node:collapse', ({ node }: { node: Group }) => { node.toggleCollapse() const collapsed = node.isCollapsed() const cells = node.getDescendants() cells.forEach((node) => { if (collapsed) { node.hide() } else { node.show() } }) })






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